Domein raversijde - Atlantikwall

Over 60 bunkers, observation posts and artillery positions and the open or subterranean corridors constitute one of the best preserved parts of the infamous German ATLANTIKWALL.

This defence line was built during the Second World War.

At ATLANTIKWALL Raversyde you can find the only preserved German coastal battery dating from the First World War, the Aachen Battery.

ANNOO 1465

The lost fishing settlement of Walraversijde is one of the most important archaelogical sites in Flanders with four reconstructed fishermen’s dwellings.

The archaeological site takes you to a fascinating active museum

Raversyde SCENIC PARK is a unique natural area located close to the sea. A diverse landscape invites visitors to an explanatory walk.

Raversyde is also a home to a rescue centre for birds and wild animals (VOC Oostende).